Need New Reading Material? Check Out These Books for Stoners
It can be hard to get yourself to read. Many people make a goal to read more and then find themselves easily distracted by their phones, jobs, families, and other things that can take precedent over a leisurely book session. While many people struggle to find the time to read, others simply don’t have a good stock of interesting books that keep them turning pages. It’s why we’ve put together a list of books for stoners so you can get your read on with something that captures your attention.

April 10, 2022
The Leafly Guide to Cannabis: A Handbook for the Modern Consumer
Leafly’s cannabis guide may not be a thrilling tale, but it sure is interesting for the modern stoner. If you’re interested in anything and everything weed, you’ll find yourself fully immersed in this handy guide, which includes detailed information on flavor profiles, strains, effects, and consumption methods. If you want to know all the basics about weed consumption, you’ll find it with Leafly’s Guide to Cannabis. If you’ve ever wished you could have a world of cannabis knowledge at your fingertips, you’ll be happy when you pick up a copy of this guide.
Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir
Written by Catherine Hiller, a PhD from Brown University, this memoir is an honest and fun look into one woman’s personal experience with cannabis. She reflects on how weed has affected various aspects of her life, tying interesting stories together with a captivating narrative style. Hiller discusses weed and marriage, motherhood, frienships, sex, work, and many other areas of life to provide a fun look at life through the lens of a cannabis lover. Fans of non-fiction, creative writing, and memoir style stories will love this compelling tale.
Weed: The User’s Guide
This book by David Schmader is not your average guide to marijuana use. It’s a hilarious look at cannabis history and uses that will be sure to keep you turning page after page. He discusses different presidents and their marijuana habits, how to clean your smoking devices, and even highlights some of the best foods to eat when you’re high. While you’ll likely learn some useful hints and tips in this guide, expect to catch yourself laughing out loud as well.
Heads You Lose
The weed guides are all fine and dandy, but what if you’re looking for an entertaining, fictional storyline? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Lisa Lutz’s Heads You Lose is the perfect mystery book for a stoner seeking a thrilling tale. The story goes like this: Two weed farmers find a corpse hidden in their fields, but they can’t call the cops to report the body because they’re growing pot illegally. They decide to ignore the discovery, but the same corpse continues to pop up around different areas of the property – a sign that someone is messing with them. They do what any reasonable pot farmer would do in this situation: Investigate the murder themselves.
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
What is a stoner book list without Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Hunter S. Thompson’s iconic tale of psychedelic trips on a ridiculous journey to Vegas will keep you entertained and feeling like you might just be tripping too. It’s a stream-of-conscious tale that follows the main character’s mind in a very high, altered experience. You may find yourself wondering how much you smoked before you sat down as the book’s world comes to life in your mind.
Budding Prospects
This tale is all about the humorous misadventures of protagonist Felix Nasmyth, who thinks he is going to make big bucks off of growing illegal weed with his buddies. The story follows Nasmyth and his bumbling friends who can’t seem to figure out how to do just about anything right as they try to navigate the difficult world of being an illegal pot farmer. If you’re looking for a fun, easy read that will have you laughing out loud, you’ve found it with Budding Prospects by T.C. Boyle.
Orange Sunshine: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love and Its Quest to Spread Peace, Love, and Acid to the World
With a name like that, how can you say no? This story by Nicholas Schou is a captivating tale about the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, or the “hippie mafia.” It follows the brotherhood’s journeys across US drug culture in the 1960s and ‘70s, with an entertaining mix of marijuana, hash, LSD, rock ‘n’ roll, and more. It showcases the shift from peace and love in America to the darker side filled with hard drugs and harsh consequences. The best part about this entertaining, captivating book? It’s a true story.
Reading stoner books while high
We hope this list of books for stoners will help you find the perfect story to turn to when you need a good read. We’ve covered the art of reading while high before, exploring if it helps or hurts the user. Like most things cannabis, there’s no easy or one answer. Some people find that reading books while high helps them to get into the story more, whereas others find themselves reading the same page over and over again before getting up for a snack. Your mileage may vary.
All of these books are exciting, interesting, funny, or otherwise captivating, so we don’t think you’ll have any issues getting into them. In fact, we think a little weed might make it a funner experience all around. Try it out and see for yourself!
Stock up at Piece of Mind Cannabis
Ready to do some high reading? Or maybe you just need to stock up on your gree supply. Whatever the case, we’ve got you covered here. We’ve suggested Orangeade, Golden Pineapple, and Lumpy Space Princess as great strains to use for reading, but there are many others out there that our budtenders would be happy to help you find.
Piece of Mind Cannabis is a medical marijuana and recreational Cannabis dispensary with locations in North Spokane, South Spokane, Bellingham, and Pullman Washington as well as Anchorage, Alaska!
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